
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

about me

Hi! My name is JaNae and you've found my blog.

I'm a 38 yr old mother of four. I'm LDS, that's mormon for those outside of Utah. And I'm on the verge of being a divorcee.

Right here I'm supposed to write more about who I am, my likes and what this blog is going to be about. But I'm not sure what any of that is right now. Because of the turmoil that my life has been the past 4-5 years since my everything imploded I'm starting over, trying to figure out who I am, what I like, who I want to be.

I'm sure, though, there will be lots of posts about gardening, food, reading, raising kids, divorce, church, the perils of being single again, and anything and everything else.

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